Sentai Joe Hub

Welcome! If you're looking here, you're looking for places to find me or are seeking information about something, like commissions.Gimmie burgers.Profile image by...ME!

Oh, me?

I'm Joe, Sentai Joe. But...Really, just call me Joe. He/Him pronouns.I ain't much of anyone special, just an adult dog who likes tokusatsu and games and stuff. My interests are kinda varied, I just tend to keep to myself a lot. Also sort of a budding artist, slight talent in weapon designs.I keep my DMs open on Twitter and my ask box open on Tumblr if you need to contact me. I do have a Discord, it should be fairly obvious what the name is ever since they did that username thing. (sentaijoe to be clear).
But please like, tell me what you want? I dont much like random his and small talk from strangers
Don't be pushy about it if you need to speak to me. And, seriously, don't be overly friendly and stuff, i'm not the kind of guy who seeks new friends constantly? If I wanna be friends, then i'll make the effort to do that.But please, if you do speak to me, try not to be too off-put, i'm aware that I seem kinda intimidating with the way I present myself to people I don't know. But, trust me, with my social anxiety i'm just as scared about speaking to you.Once I get relaxed, I think it'll be obvious i'm a bit of a dumbass who thinks he's really funny. According to my friends, I usually am! And if you get me going on something...Well, there are some things I can ramble on and on endlessly about, lemme tell ya.

Commission Status: Closed (To be rewritten)

Basic Rules and Terms

- Don't be rude and impatient. I'm a very tired dog most of the time and sometimes I just don't have the mind or mood to work on something.
- No lewd/NSFW. It's exactly not a personal thing, I mostly just wouldn't know how to draw it even if you asked.- Attachment to the above, no fetish stuff.- Do I even...NEED to state that I won't do racist, anti-LGBTQ+, or other offensive content? Nor would I allow my art to be used in anything that explicitly promotes the above? Cause I won't.- My art is NOT to be used for NFTs or other crypto bullshit.Terms:
- I will not charge you until I have a finished sketch.
- After charging, you may expect the finished work within (usually) 2 weeks after the invoice is paid for. I will try to estimate depending on the piece. If it's taking longer, please contact me.- You will receive the finished commission as a .png or other image format, and you may also request the Krita .kra file. I can covert it to other formats as well, though I hold no guarantee if the layers will remain intact.- Aside from the above rules to not use my art for NFT bullshit or hateful content, you are free to use the final design in any other way you please.- After you have recieved the art, you are no longer eligible for any kind of refund.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope thats all reasonable enough.This is just additional notice, I handle payments through invoices from Stripe. You will need to provide some kind of email to send the invoice to, no account needed.Also, Stripe does not offer some kind of tip thing, you may instead tip through my ko-fi!

Weapon Design

$12 - Sketch$25 - Fully lined and colored.Depending on complexity, I will increase or decrease the final price.+$10 for paired weapons (Ex. Sword and shield, dual sabers, etc.)-----------------------------------------
Do note, I can (probably) in fact do weapons that aren't some kind of sword or dagger, I just haven't had the chance to do others yet.
Also! I can (and may) include text on the image to detail certain parts of the design, written from the perspective of an unknown researcher. Mostly postulating on particular things using my understanding of whatever setting or character the weapon is for.Nothing it says has to be canon and can be used, removed, or edited at your own discretion. No additional charge if you ask for it but I will not guarentee the inclusion either. I just like doing it sometimes.

Head/Bust shot

$15 - Sketch$30 - Lined and Colored+$10 for additional characters-----------------------------------------------
I...Don't recommend asking me for human/human-like people but i'll damn well try if i'm getting dollars for it.

Full Body

$30 - Sketch$60 - Lined and ColoredWill adjust for complexity.+$15 - Shading-----------------------------------------------
Big spender, huh??????
Hahah, but for real though, listen, these will require a LOT of patience. Full body anatomy, including hands, is still an endless struggle between it and me.
And shading is also something I also need to wrangle with.Only ONE person will be getting a commission like this at a time. It's for my sanity.(And don't ask me why the guy in the bottom image has no tail, I literally just forgot to draw it)